The Drama in Islamabad Comes to a Close!
What Next?
The drama in Islamabad, Pakistan has ended, thank God. A very good outcome, no doubt. Understandably, there are going to be different and opposing reactions to this development. I am really disappointed. It is a classical repeat performance of the the tragic and damaging line of action which the governments of the time have been using against the conservative and extremist religious sections over time. It is a minority group in a generally moderate Pakistan; but very vocal, militant and prone to destroy and kill. Very keen to enforce their very chaotic and un-Islamic views on the rest of the country with force and violence.
What happened now, is the usual pattern for a long time. The usual scenario is as follows: this group has a grievance. Immediately takes to streets in the form of protests and dharna; occupy public places and musjids; maximize the pain and discomfort to the public for their benefit. Next there are series of meetings and conferences to solve the problem. No success. Government decides to use force; there is action: destruction and killings. Naturally there is a strong hue and cry in the print, electronic and social media. Like a loving mother out to spoil her child, the sympathy is with the violent, intolerant bigots. The government is treated as the usual villain. I agree with Salman Masood when he says “and the agreement was widely seen as another in a string of capitulations by the government to religious extremists who command growing popularity in Pakistan” in his article Pakistan Strikes Deal With Islamist Protesters in Islamabad in New York Times dated November 27, 2017,
I would like to differ from him though when he says “religious extremists who command growing popularity in Pakistan”. They are very much a minority group. However they enjoy a free hand to enforce and impose their archaic view of Islam by the totally anti-islamic method of violence and killings. This MUST stop. I hope and pray that we get a leader who has the strength of character and will to STOP USE OF VIOLENCE from our society. The extremism and radicalism bereft of brutality and bloodshed can be dealt with discussion and debate.
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