A short Twitter discussion
Look to Allah for help as guided by HIS beloved Messenger?
Hamzah wald Maqbul had tweeted this beautiful thought:
By Allah there are refugees, prisoners & orphan who remain unbroken inside & out because they have you Ya Rasūl Allāh!
عليك الصلاة و السلام!
I had responded :
Our beloved Prophet has referred us to Allah Ta'aala Subhaanahoo for help and guidance.
Hamza Sahib was kind enough to point out to me in his retweet:
Our beloved Allāh has referred us to the prophet, sallallahu'alayhiwasallam, for guidance.
My response:
I think each one of us is emphasising a different level and aspect of our Eemaan. Allah Ta'aala Subhaanahoo had sent a Messenger, our beloved Prophet to communicate with us and explain us the Divine design and purpose of life which he did completely and wonderfully. One of the important principles that the Messenger taught us is that we should look to Allah and only to HIM for our needs and desires. Prophet Mohammed sallallahu'alayhiwasallam then guided us diligently how to approach the Supreme Being to get HIS help and blessings. To my knowledge, he never claimed that he himself can give or deprive anything to anybody. And Allah knows best.