Read ONLY, IF AND WHEN you have time and mood for:
“An Ayah of the Quran for 30 Days” -- April 2014
Choose the section you have time, in the next 30 days to read this ayah:-
Prelude: Recurrent Primary Message 1st. Page
Starting Dua, a note & The Ayah 2nd. Page
A Short Version: For the Busy Bee Four Pages
The Main Story: Recommended Seven Pages
Footnotes: For the Perfectionist Twenty One Pages
From the Pen and Perspective of a self-styled PPK Muslim (Proud, Practicing, Knowledgeable) with a humble submission that Islam totally rejects Blind Following BUT vigorously focusses on the Limitations of Pure Human Reasoning..............and clearly and comprehensively AlLAH knows best.
In the beginning of the seventh century C.E., the folks of Mecca and Medina had a fascinatingly unique window: they had direct access to the Heavens through one of their own. They were blessed with a regular stream of Divine counseling and guidelines. Question and answer sessions were part of the program. Even individual questioner was graced by an answer. In the short Introduction to this scheme they were assured that at the end of this twenty-two year project, Divine Directions and Admonitions will continue through the agency of the PEN. The whole discourse has been preserved and archived till eternity under the guarantee of our Lord and Creator. This record in known as the Quran.
It should sound unbelievable but factually appears to be true: Many of our prevalent, widespread and important concepts and opinions about religious matters do not have a basis in the Quran and sometimes even appear to be in obvious conflict with the teachings of the Quran. It would be very educative and helpful to discuss an Ayah once a month to see if it supports or rejects our views and actions in our daily life. I wish and hope this email generates a fruitful interactive discussion.

In the name of Allah, we praise HIM, seek HIS help and ask for HIS forgiveness. Whosoever Allah guideth none can misguide; whosoever HE allows to fall astray, none can guide him right. We bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah alone and we bear witness that Mohammed, SAW is HIS slave-servant and the Seal of HIS Messengers.
Further, we recall that Allah Ta’aala has declared in HIS Book1 “He granteth wisdom to whom He pleaseth; and he to whom wisdom is granted receiveth indeed a benefit overflowing; but none will grasp the Message (or remember or receive admonition) but men of understanding (or intellect)” and we also recall that he has warned us about the day of judgement2 “Then on that day you shall most certainly be questioned about the boons (joy, pleasure).” We realise, that there cannot be a greater boon or blessing or benefit than wisdom and we wonder if this should be a timely reminder to very many of us sincere and practicing Muslims who use our critical thinking to enhance the mundane for ourselves and our families but resort to compulsory following -- taqleed, doctrine of classical Sunni Islamic Fiqh -- in matters religion.
(NOTE: I have filtered out the proofs and details into the Footnotes for those who have the time and interest for them. The main email will then be reasonable length, hopefully for the busy majority. What follows is not a sermon; I do not feel qualified to give one, anyhow. I wish, it may provide a food for thought. A caveat seems in order: If the ayah selected pertains to issues we face in our daily life with our family, friends, neighbours or peers it may affect us personally and lead to some self analysis and soul searching which in turn could be divisive and distressing. If taken in the right spirit, it can be a humble attempt towards finding the “straight path”.)
Surah 26/165-166

“Do you go to the males from the creatures of the world, and leave that which your Lord has created for you in your wives? You have indeed transgressed all limits”
“I am convinced about the veracity of my opinions, but I do consider it likely that they may turn out to be incorrect. Likewise, I am convinced about the incorrectness of the views different from mine, but I do concede
the possibility that they may turn out to be correct.” — Imam Shafa’i
I usually ask my “lesser/better half” for review and suggestions before sending the ayah for the month. On this occasion she read in my email, what I did not intend to write. We discussed and I revised. I have also decided to place my concluding summary at the beginning of the article; this probably will avoid any mis-understandings on reading the details. My conclusions are the following:
- The Quran refers to homosexuality many times as the practice of People of Lut living in 2000 BC in the Shari’ah of Prophet Lut and squarely condemns it
- The folks of Lut were annihilated as they refused to give up this “wicked, perverse and disobedient” practice
- There is no direct commandment in our Holy Book for Muslims about homosexuality
- A rule of Shari’ah of the previous Prophets is binding on us unless it has been abrogated by the Holy Prophet
- Hence, Islam considers homosexuality a sin and forbids it
- It is KUFR even to challenge, let alone disobey a clear injunction in the Quran
- However scholarly opinions based on interpretation of and/or deduction from Quranic ayahs are open to scrutiny and critique
- There was no occasion for indictment or punishment for this vice during the life span of the Holy Prophet; hence he is silent on it.
- The Hadith literature is replete with very harsh punishment for this practice.
- Most of us Muslims have grown up with an innate disgust for this practice.
- The Islamic attitude towards homosexuals is complex, diverse and uncertain and needs a serious attentions of our scholars and imams in the light of current scientific knowledge and cultural and social demands and practices
- There is no reliable and authentic scientific evidence to prove that homosexuality is a normal occurrence in the spectrum of human sexual orientation. If ever there is one, a Muslim is obliged to consider it.
- It remains controversial, if this practice can be altered or “cured.”
- It is a wrong approach to make homosexuality an issue of Human Rights or Individual freedom. It is a religious, ethical and philosophical problem for the civilised society.
- The LGBT should not be allowed to destroy the sacred, basic and fundamental Institution of heterosexual Marriage recognised since known human history.
We have discussed this Ayah in October 2012. Since then the topic of Homosexuality has gathered tremendous momentum, specially in US. I feel we ought to re-visit, revise and update this issue to confidently and rationally work out the Islamic attitude on this burning topic.
This ayah is followed in the Quran by another seven to, complete the argument.3 I have also included five other references to homosexuality in the Quran comprising additional twenty-six ayahs.4 All these thirty-four ayahs are about “people of Lut” ( Lot in other scriptures) also known as the people of Sodom and Gomarrah. These cities are mentioned in the Book of Genesis, the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament besides the Quran. More on it…….5
In these ayahs the Quran denounces the act of homosexuality clearly and forcefully as an heinous act in a people living in 2000 BC and were under the Shari’ah of Prophet Ibrahim/Lut. The Quran has condemned this act in strong words like “transgressed all limits” ,“wicked deeds” etc.
The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is also discussed in the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) at Genesis 19.6
It is noteworthy that all the references to this act in the Quran -- and there are many of them -- are related to the People of Lut. The Quran does not give any clear commandment on this subject for the Muslims under Shari’ah-e-Mohammadi. The renowned scholar Maudoodi states in his Tafheem ul Quran “ Here and at other places the Qur'an merely declares that sodomy is such a heinous sin that it brought the wrath of Allah on a people.” However, a rule of Shari’ah of the previous Prophets is binding on us unless it has been abrogated by the Holy Prophet. Hence homosexuality remains a sin in our Shari’ah also.
The commandments of Allah’s Shariah — the Do’s and Don’ts for the Ummah — are always spelled out firmly in the imperative tense. Here are some examples:8
1) “O ye who believe! the law of equality is prescribed to you in cases of murder……..”
2) “………..and establish regular prayer for celebrating My praise.”
3) “O ye who believe! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: And spy not on each other behind their backs.”
Challenging them is tantamount to KUFR by consensus of scholars of all the schools of thought. The scholarly opinions we have on this subject are human efforts at deduction and rationalization and subject to scrutiny and critique.
As there is no clear dictate addressed to Muslims in the Holy Quran, we therefore have to turn over to the second source of our Shari’ah -- the practice and preaching of our Holy Prophet -- for the Islamic opinion on homosexuality. No punishment was indicated by him and mere penitence sufficed to escape whatever the punishment. Maudoodi confirms this when he declares “But no definite and specific punishment was prescribed for the criminals because during his time, no case of sodomy was ever brought before the Holy Prophet.” Mohamed El-Moctar El-Shinqiti, a contemporary Mauritanian scholar, has argued that "(even though) homosexuality is a grievous sin
a) no legal punishment is stated in the Qur'an for homosexuality
b) it is not reported that Prophet Muhammad has punished somebody for committing homosexuality
c) there is no authentic hadith reported from the Prophet prescribing a punishment for the homosexuals.
The four schools of Shari’ah (Islamic law) disagree on what punishment is appropriate for homosexuality.
I grew up with an innate disgust and revulsion for homosexuality without ever thinking about about it. I am sure most of you feel the same because homosexuality is almost universally regarded by Muslims as:“shameless, wicked and immoral” etc. etc.
Why? Why this almost consensus on loathing against homosexuals? I think the reason is the hadith literature (which for most of us is the MAIN if not the ONLY source of religious knowledge) is full of most severe and extra ordinary punishments for it, quoting even the Righteous Caliphs: killed with sword and burnt to ashes - taken under the roof of a dilapidated building, which should be pulled down on them - thrown down headlong from the top of the highest building of the habitation and then stoned to death - one hundred stripes and exile etc. etc.
The description until now is a good example of the not infrequently seen total disconnect between the teachings of the Quran and the practice of our beloved Prophet on the one hand and the writings in the Hadith literature on the other.
There are not many reliable statistics about the incidence of homosexuality. In the US, it is probably between 1.3 % to 4%. I do not think there are figures available for Muslim Countries. It would be a fair assumption that it is not insignificant.10 I was surprised to find that there are some LGBT movements in Muslim countries as well.11.
The “legal” status of homosexuality in the Muslim World is variable. The death penalty is currently in place in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Mauritania, northern Nigeria, Sudan, and Yemen. In Saudi Arabia the maximum punishment for homosexual acts is public execution. Since the 1979 Islamic revolution, the Iranian government has executed more than 4,000 such people. The Taliban enforced the death penalty in Afghanistan. …..12
Outside the Muslim World, that ls three fourth of humanity the attitude towards homosexuality is very different. It is legal virtually all over the world except some countries in Africa. 94 member-states had signed an LGBT rights Declaration in the General Assembly in 2011 in the UNHRC.
The modern “liberal” thinking views homosexuality as innate and immutable This approach is gaining firm grounds all over the world. A lot of literature is out there in the last two decades throwing out scientific studies and research at each other by the opposing parties. I find the debate baffling.13
As against homosexuality, the concept of SSM -Same Sex Marriage - is simply preposterous. The newborn has the fundamental and basic right to have a biological father and a biological mother to ensure a healthy and robust development. Marriage, in its age old definition should be preserved and protected at all costs.
As Muslims our religious beliefs cannot and should not be contrary to proven scientific truths and modern knowledge delivered to mankind through the agency of the “PEN” which Allah Ta’aala has promised in the second part of the VERY FIRST Wahee:14
Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous -
Who taught by the pen -
Taught man that which he knew not. (Sahih International)
Bari Ta’aala had decided that the HIS direct communication with Humans by Revelation to Prophets will be discontinued PERMANENTLY after twenty-two years; hence our Holy Prophet is the LAST in the series. What about Islam? Is it going to be left stagnating in the seventh century CE after the demise of its Messenger? Certainly not! As our Deen is destined by our Creator FOR ALL TIMES it MUST grow, adapt and progress with the Time. The Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds has therefore assured mankind in the very first Wahee that after HE recalls HIS beloved Apostle, his Ummah will be guided and taught by his Lord -- Rub -- till the Day of Judgement by the “PEN”. We, the Muslims wielded this PEN for seven centuries and reigned as the Torch Bearers of Civilization. Later we slumped into intellectual stagnation so the PEN was taken over by the non-Muslims who are now the source of all God given knowledge and progress.
It is pretty clear that homosexuality is a sin in Islam. What about a homosexual? Now there is a face to the problem. S/he may be a member of our society, or our family, a neighbor, a peer, a friend. How do we deal with this situation? What do we advise if one looks up to us for help? Frankly speaking, I am confused. “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” seems to be the path of least resistance available for the moment. I have collected some current Islamic opinions on this problem. It did not satisfy me; perhaps you may find it useful.15
The jury is still out there on the issue of homosexuals, though NOT on homosexuality. The eminent scholars and imams of Islam have to dwell on it based on our Shariah in the light of God given knowledge, scientific thoughts and cultural and social values, demands and practices of the twenty first century and come out with an answer: How do we treat, interact and deal with a homosexual?
.....and Allah knows best.
May Allah Ta’aala bless us with true understanding--“fahm”--of our Deen, Aameen.
Dr. Khalid Mitha
“I am convinced about the veracity of my opinions, but I do consider it likely that they may turn out to be incorrect. Likewise, I am convinced about the incorrectness of the views different from mine, but I do concede
the possibility that they may turn out to be correct.” — Imam Shafa’i
I usually ask my “lesser/better half” for review and suggestions before sending the ayah for the month. On this occasion she read in my email, what I did not intend to write. We discussed and I revised. I have also decided to place my concluding summary at the beginning of the article; this probably will avoid any mis-understandings on reading the details. My conclusions are the following:
- The Quran refers to homosexuality many times as the practice of People of Lut living in 2000 BC in the Shari’ah of Prophet Lut and squarely condemns it
- The folks of Lut were annihilated as they refused to give up this “wicked, perverse and disobedient” practice
- There is no direct commandment in our Holy Book for Muslims about homosexuality
- A rule of Shari’ah of the previous Prophets is binding on us unless it has been abrogated by the Holy Prophet
- Hence, Islam considers homosexuality a sin and forbids it
- It is KUFR even to challenge, let alone disobey a clear injunction in the Quran
- However scholarly opinions based on interpretation of and/or deduction from Quranic ayahs are open to scrutiny and critique
- There was no occasion for indictment or punishment for this vice during the life span of the Holy Prophet; hence he is silent on it.
- The Hadith literature is replete with very harsh punishment for this practice.
- Most of us Muslims have grown up with an innate disgust for this practice.
- The Islamic attitude towards homosexuals is complex, diverse and uncertain and needs a serious attentions of our scholars and imams in the light of current scientific knowledge and cultural and social demands and practices
- There is no reliable and authentic scientific evidence to prove that homosexuality is a normal occurrence in the spectrum of human sexual orientation. If ever there is one, a Muslim is obliged to consider it.
- It remains controversial, if this practice can be altered or “cured.”
- It is a wrong approach to make homosexuality an issue of Human Rights or Individual freedom. It is a religious, ethical and philosophical problem for the civilised society.
- The LGBT should not be allowed to destroy the sacred, basic and fundamental Institution of heterosexual Marriage recognised since known human history.
We have discussed this Ayah in October 2012. Since then the topic of Homosexuality has gathered tremendous momentum, specially in US. I feel we ought to re-visit, revise and update this issue to confidently and rationally work out the Islamic attitude on this burning topic.
This ayah is followed in the Quran by another seven to complete the argument.3 I have also included five other references to homosexuality in the Quran comprising additional twenty-six ayahs.4 All these thirty-four ayahs are about “people of Lut” ( Lot in other scriptures) also known as the people of Sodom and Gomarrah. These cities are mentioned in the Book of Genesis, the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament besides the Quran. More on it…….;5
In these ayahs the Quran denounces the act of homosexuality clearly and forcefully as an heinous act in a people living in 2000 BC and were under the Shari’ah of Prophet Ibrahim/Lut. The Quran has condemned this act in strong words as:
“transgressed all limits”
“wicked deeds”
“shameless indecent acts as no one committed before you in the world” “evil indecent deeds”
“wicked, perverse and disobedient”
“steeped in ignorance”
“mischief makers and very wicked”
Two additional criminal acts of these people are referred to as “commit robbery and indulge in indecencies.” Divine judgement was therefore passed upon them and they were completely consumed by fire and brimstone. Their destruction by Allah is associated explicitly with their sexual practices. It is worth noting that lesbian practices are not mentioned in the Qur’an nor in the Hebrew Scriptures,
The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is also discussed in the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) at Genesis 19.6
It is noteworthy that all the references to this act in the Quran -- and there are many of them -- are related to the People of Lut. The Quran does not give any clear commandment on this subject for the Muslims under Shari’ah-e-Mohammadi. The renowned scholar Maudoodi states in his Tafheem ul Quran “ Here and at other places the Qur'an merely declares that sodomy is such a heinous sin that it brought the wrath of Allah on a people.” However, a rule of Shari’ah of the previous Prophets is binding on us unless it has been abrogated by the Holy Prophet. Hence homosexuality remains a sin in our Shari’ah also. I must add, there are two minor and controversial opinions suggesting some evidence in the Quran on this issue which could be regarded as relevant to our times.7
Allow me to elaborate here a distinctive style of our Holy Book. The commandments of Allah’s Shariah — the Do’s and Don’ts for the Ummah — are spelled out firmly in the imperative tense. Here are some examples:8
1) “O ye who believe! the law of equality is prescribed to you in cases of murder……..”
2) “………..and establish regular prayer for celebrating My praise.”
3) “O ye who believe! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: And spy not on each other behind their backs.”
These are clear injunctions from our Lord Creator; even challenging them, leave alone disobeying them is tantamount to KUFR by consensus of scholars of all the schools of thought. As I have stated earlier, there is no such directive in the Quran against homosexuality for the Ummah of Prophet Mohammed. The scholarly opinions we have on this subject are human efforts at deduction and rationalization. Respectable as these are, they do not even come close to the sanction that a Divine directive deserves and are definitely subject to scrutiny and criticism.
There is sometimes and additional complex problem understanding correctly the message of our Creator. Consider the following ayah where Satan is challenged to use all his tricks and tactics agains humans:9
“…….and urge thy horse and foot against them…….” Mermeduke Pickthall.
It has also been translated as “horsemen and footmen” or as “cavalry and infantry”. Horse is used to denote the full force and power of Satan. Not even the staunchest Salafi will suggest that Muslims armies should acquire horses for battle just because it is mentioned as a source of power in the Quran. Some interpretations of our Holy Text have to be subject to the Time and Place.
As there is no clear dictate addressed to Muslims in the Holy Quran, we therefore have to turn over to the second source of our Shari’ah -- the practice and preaching of our Holy Prophet -- for the Islamic opinion on homosexuality. According to one source the Prophet took a lenient attitude toward sex between males. The Prophet viewed this vice with a philosophic indifference. Not only is the punishment not indicated -- it was probably some public reproach or insult of a slight nature -- but mere penitence sufficed to escape the punishment. Maudoodi confirms this when he declares “But no definite and specific punishment was prescribed for the criminals because during his time, no case of sodomy was ever brought before the Holy Prophet.” Mohamed El-Moctar El-Shinqiti, a contemporary Mauritanian scholar, has argued that "(even though) homosexuality is a grievous sin
a) no legal punishment is stated in the Qur'an for homosexuality
b) it is not reported that Prophet Muhammad has punished somebody for committing homosexuality
c) there is no authentic hadith reported from the Prophet prescribing a punishment for the homosexuals.
However Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid of Saudi Arabia quotes the Prophet of Islam as saying: "Whoever you find committing the sin of the people of Lut (Lot), kill them, both the one who does it and the one to whom it is done" - i.e. if it is done with consent. (This hadeeth was narrated by al-Tirmidhi in his Sunan, 1376).” It is generally agreed, though that there is no authentic hadith reported from the Prophet prescribing a punishment for the homosexuals. Hadith scholars such as Al-Bukhari, Yahya ibn Ma`in, An-Nasa'i, Ibn Hazm, Al-Tirmidhi, and others have impugned them. Bakr Al-Jassas argued that the two hadiths on killing homosexuals "are not reliable by any means and no legal punishment can be prescribed based on them."
The four schools of Shari’ah (Islamic law) disagree on what punishment is appropriate for homosexuality. Many scholars of Islamic law, interpret homosexual activity as a punishable offense as well as a sin. There is no specific punishment prescribed, however, and this is usually left to the discretion of the local authorities on Islam. The Hanafi school held that it does not merit any physical punishment; the culprit should be punished according to the circumstances of the crime with an exemplary punishment. There is also a saying of Imam Shafi`i to this effect. As against this the Hanbali school held that sodomy is a form of adultery and must incur the same penalty,
I grew up with an innate disgust and revulsion for homosexuality without ever thinking about about it. I am sure most of you feel the same because homosexuality is almost universally regarded by Muslims as:
“shameless, wicked and immoral”
“filthy and detestable”
“an evil and immoral deviation of man”
“neither natural nor a disease but a deviation of one's nature”
“an absolute abomination in the Sight of the Creator”
“stands for all the perversions”
“a depravity of depravities”
“absolutely forbidden in Islam”
“an abomination and a grave sin”
“deserving death in the life of this world and eternal punishment in the Hereafter”
Why? Why this almost consensus loathing against homosexuals? I think the reason is the hadith literature (which for most of us is the MAIN if not the ONLY source of religious knowledge) is full of most severe and extra ordinary punishments for it, quoting even the Righteous Caliphs. Some of these ahaadlith state the following:
Hadrat Ali believed that the criminals should be killed with sword and the dead bodies should not be buried but burnt to ashes
Hadrat Abu Bakr also agreed with it
Hadrat `Umar and Hadrat `Uthman thought that they should be taken under the roof of a dilapidated building, which should be pulled down on them.
lbn `Abbas has decreed that they should be thrown down headlong from the top of the highest building of the habitation and then stoned to death. Imam Shafi`i says that both the criminals involved in sodomy should be killed, whether married or unmarried.
Shi`ibi" Zuhri, Malik and Ahmad they should be stoned to death.
Said bin Musayyib, 'Ata, Hasan Basri, Ibrahim Nakh`i, Sufyan Thauri and Auza`i are of the opinion that the punishment is the same as for adultery, that is, one hundred stripes and exile for the unmarried, and stoning to death for the married.
The description until now is a good example of the not infrequently seen total disconnect between the teachings of the Quran and the practice of our beloved Prophet on the one hand and the writings in the Hadith literature on the other.
What are the facts on the ground about homosexuality? How common is it? Hard to say. There are not many reliable statistics out there. In the US, the LGBT sources claim it to be 10%. Other sources put it at about 2.8% or between 1.3 % to 4%. I do not think there are figures available for Muslim Countries. It would be a fair assumption that it is not insignificant.10 I was surprised to find that there are some LGBT movements in Muslim countries as well.11.
The “legal” status of homosexuality in the Muslim World is variable. The death penalty is currently in place in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Mauritania, northern Nigeria, Sudan, and Yemen. In Saudi Arabia, while the maximum punishment for homosexual acts is public execution, the government will generally use lesser punishments e.g. fines, jail time, and whipping. Iran is perhaps the nation to execute the largest number of its citizens for homosexual acts. Since the 1979 Islamic revolution, the Iranian government has executed more than 4,000 such people. The Taliban enforced the death penalty in Afghanistan. …..12
It seems, despite the legal strictures on homosexual activity, the positive expression of male homeoerotic sentiment in Muslim literature was accepted, and probably assiduously cultivated, from the late eighth century until modern times. First in Arabic, but later also in Persian, Turkish and Urdu, love poetry by men about boys more than competed with that about women. Anecdotal literature reinforces this impression of general societal acceptance of the public celebration of male-male love.
Outside the Muslim World, that ls three fourth of humanity the attitude towards homosexuality is very different. It is legal virtually all over the world except some countries in Africa. On a different metric, 94 member-states sponsored, supported and signed an LGBT rights Declaration in the General Assembly in 2011 in the UNHRC. Fifty four member-states had signed a statement opposing LGBT rights in 2008.
Forty six member-states have not officially opposed or supported LGBT rights in the UN.
The modern “liberal” thinking views homosexuality as innate and immutable This approach is gaining firm grounds all over the world. The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada, and South Africa have legalized same-sex marriage. Much of Europe and fifteen states in the U.S. have given loving, committed same-sex couples the same rights as have long been enjoyed by opposite-sex couples. The pro-homosexuality movement claims and aggressively propagates and publicizes that modern science has proven this to be true and demand equal rights for them. True, all people are created equal, but all ideas or behaviors are not equal.There is, in fact, a hierarchy of ideas. A lot of literature is out there in the last two decades throwing out scientific studies and research at each other by the opposing parties. I find the debate baffling.13 The clash over homosexuality includes numerous inaccuracies, half-truths, fallacies, and overt propaganda. It is claimed that children who will grow up to be gay can generally be detected before the age of five. Neurological and neuroanatomical changes have been reported in the brains of homosexuals. There is reportedly scientific evidence of a genetic basis. On the other hand there are similar evidences to prove that diseases like Schizophrenia, Autism and Psychopathic behavior are also genetic. On the basis of the theory of neuroplasticity the changes seen in the brains of homosexuals may be consequential rather than causative.The battle lines in this struggle do not simply pit ministers/imams against secular advocates for gay rights; religion is on both sides in this conflict. The battle is actually church versus church, minister versus minister, and Scripture versus Scripture. The dividing lines are often unpredictable. It is not uncommon to see an agreement between conservative Christians and Muslims confronting liberal Christians, liberal Muslims and secularists.
International human rights organizations, such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, condemn laws that make homosexual relations between consenting adults a crime. Since 1994, the United Nations Human Rights Committee has also ruled that such laws violate the right to privacy guaranteed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Homosexuality is forcefully promoted as a human rights or individual freedom issue with very frightening and deleterious effects on the sacred and honorable Institution of Marriage.
As against homosexuality, the concept of SSM -Same Sex Marriage - is simply preposterous. Marriage is strongly recommended in our Deen. Based on physiological, anatomical, emotional, psychological, social and religious grounds it is fundamentally a heterosexual union. It is an ancient concept from across religious and non-religious philosophy, including Greek and Roman thought. It is imperative for continuation of the human species. It is the natural foundation for the formation of the family which is the UNIT of our civilised society. The newborn has the fundamental and basic right to have a biological father and a biological mother to ensure a healthy and robust development. Marriage, in its age old definition should be preserved and protected at all costs.
As Muslims our religious beliefs cannot and should not be contrary to proven scientific truths and modern knowledge delivered to mankind through the agency of the “PEN” which Allah Ta’aala has promised in the second part of the VERY FIRST Wahee:14
Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous -
Who taught by the pen -
Taught man that which he knew not. (Sahih International)
Bari Ta’aala had decided that the HIS direct communication with Humans by Revelation to Prophets will be discontinued PERMANENTLY after twenty-two years; hence our Holy Prophet is the LAST in the series. What about Islam? Is it going to be left stagnating in the seventh century CE after the demise of its Messenger? Certainly not! As our Deen is destined by our Creator FOR ALL TIMES it MUST grow, adapt and progress with the Time. The Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds has therefore assured mankind in the very first Wahee that after HE recalls HIS beloved Apostle, his Ummah will be guided and taught by his Lord -- Rub -- till the Day of Judgement by the “PEN”. We, the Muslims wielded this PEN for seven centuries and reigned as the Torch Bearers of Civilization. Later we slumped into intellectual stagnation so the PEN was taken over by the non-Muslims who are now the source of all God given knowledge and progress. We seem to be so fossilized that we have even lost the realisation that Revelation has ceased with the demise of our Holy Prophet but the ever-lasting medium of Directions and Guidance by the “PEN” for knowledge and progress from our Allah Ta’aala Subhanahoo has not. So it is incumbent on us as living and breathing Umma to realise, recognise and rationalize all the data available on homosexuality to guide us on the correct Islamic dispensation on this subject. At present the scientific data presented in favor of homosexuality is murky based on pseudo-science. However If, say in the next century there is incontrovertible evidence to this effect then Muslims will have to revisit the ayahs of the Quran for fresh guidance.
It is pretty clear that homosexuality is a sin in Islam. What about a homosexual? Now there is face to it. S/he may be a member of our society, or our family, a neighbor, a peer, a friend. How do we deal with this situation? What do we advise if one looks up to us for help? Frankly speaking, I am confused. “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” seems to be the path of least resistance available for the moment. I have collected some current Islamic opinions on this problem. It did not satisfy me; perhaps you may find it useful.15
The jury is still out there on the issue of homosexuals, though NOT on homosexuality. The eminent scholars and imams of Islam have to dwell on it based on our Shariah in the light of God given knowledge, scientific thoughts and cultural and social values, demands and practices of the twenty first century and come out with an answer: How do we treat, interact and deal with a homosexual?
May Allah Ta’aala bless us with true understanding--“fahm”--of our Deen, Aameen.
Dr. Khalid Mitha
(1) Surah 2/269

(2) Surah 102/8

(3) Surah 26/166-173

”They said, “O Lot, if you do not desist from this, you will surely be included among those who have been expelled from our towns.” He said, “I am certainly one of those who abhor your wickedness. My Lord, deliver me and my people from their wicked deeds.”At last, We delivered him and all his people except an old woman who was of those who were left behind. Then We destroyed all the rest of them, and rained on them a horrible rain, which fell on those who had been warned.”
[4] Surah 7/80-84

Surah 11/77-83

And when Our Messengers came to Lot, he was greatly perturbed and distressed in mind because of their visit and said, "This is a day of woe!" (No sooner did the visitors come to him than) his people spontaneously rushed towards his house, for they had previously been addicted to wicked deeds. Lot said to them, "O my people, here are my daughters, who are purer for you. So fear God and don't degrade me by committing evil to my guests. what ! Is there not a single good man among you ?" They replied, "You know it well that we have no need of your daughters, and you also know what we want. " Lot cried, "I wish I had the power to set you right or I could find some strong support for refuge." Then the angels said, "O Lot, We are messengers sent by your Lord. They shall not be able to do you any harm. So depart from here with the people of your household in the last hours of the night. And look here: none of you should turn round to look behind; but your wife (who will not accompany you) shall meet with the same doom as they. The morning has been appointed for their destruction-the morning has almost come." Accordingly, when the time of the execution of judgment came, We turned the habitation upside down and rained on it stones of baked clay, and each one of these stones had been specifically marked by your Lord. And such scourge is not far from the workers of iniquity.
Surah 21/74

And We bestowed judgment and knowledge on Lot, and delivered him from that habitation which committed indecent deeds. Indeed, they were a very wicked, perverse and disobedient people.
Surah 27/54-58

Surah 29/28-35

And We sent Lot when he said to his people, "You commit the indecency which no other people has ever committed before you in the world. What! Do you go to the males, and commit robbery and indulge in indecencies in your assemblies?" Then the only answer his people gave was to say, "Bring forth the torment of Allah if you are truthful." Lot said, "O my Lord, help me against these mischief makers." And when Our messengers came to Abraham with the good news, they said to him, "We are going to destroy the people of this habitation, for its people have become very wicked." Abraham said, "Lot is there." They replied, "We know full well who is in it we shall save him and all his household except his wife." His wife was of those who remained behind.
(5) These cities, were situated on the Jordan River plain in the southern region of the land of Canaan. The Jordan River plain (which corresponds to area just north of the modern day Dead Sea) has been compared to the garden of Eden in Genesis, being a land well-watered and green, suitable for grazing livestock. Sodom and Gomorrah have become synonymous with impenitent sin, and their fall with a proverbial manifestation of God's wrath. The name of these cities have been used as metaphors for vice and homosexuality, viewed as a deviation. The story has created the English word sodom; even the Arabic words for homosexual behaviour (liwat) and for a person who performs such acts (luti) both derive from this name.
Prophet Lut was the nephew of Prophet Abraham. He lived in Iraq along with his uncle and traveled with him over Syria, Palestine and Egypt to gain experience for the propagation of the Message. Then he was appointed as a Messenger by Allah and sent to reform the wicked tribe, which has been called “his people” because he might have had some blood relation with them.
(6) "Lut" is referred to as “Lot”. The Qur'an links the general bisexual activities of the men of Sodom to the reason for its destruction to. The Hebrew Scriptures appear to differ. They link the destruction to two events:
1) The attempts by the men of Sodom to rape the angels. Rape is condemned in Genesis 19 as it is in some other biblical passages. A reference in Jude also seems to imply that the event was evil because of the bestiality involved: the angels were of a non-human species.
2) The insensitivity of the people of Sodom: As described in other verses in the Hebrew Scriptures, the people of Sodom were uncaring towards widows, orphaned children, visitors, and the poor.
Genesis 19 does not suggest that the men of Sodom were bisexual and frequently engaged in homosexual activities. Hence the conservative Christian interpretation more closely resembles the content of the Qur'an rather than the Bible.
(7) First, one of the ayahs quoted above (11/83) says “And they (the punishments) are never far from the wrongdoers”. This could be construed as a warning to us of the same fate if we commit the similar crime.
Second. there is a minority translation of ayahs 4/15-16 which is relevant to the issue under discussion:

If any of your women be guilty of indecency, call for four witnesses from among yourselves to testify against them: If they give evidence and prove the guilt, then confine them to their houses until death comes to them or Allah opens some other way out for them .And punish the two of you who commit this crime; then if they both repent and reform themselves, leave them alone,for Allah is generous in accepting repentance, and merciful in forgiving sins.
Abdullah Yousuf Ali comments on the words in Ayah 15 “if any of your women” as: “Most commentators understand this to refer to adultery or fornication: in that case they consider that the punishment was altered to 100 stripes by the later verse, 24:2. But I think it refers to unnatural crime between women, analogous to unnatural crime between men in 4:16 below”. However in ayah 16 also he is the only one who translate as “two men”. The other mufesserins like Sahih International, Muhsin Khan, Pickthal, Shakir and Dr. Gali translate the relevant words as “the two” or “two persons”. Maudoodi clearly states: “Likewise, the commentary of Abu Muslim Isfahani that verse 15 is about the un-natural crime between two females and verse I6 about the un-natural crime between two males is also wrong. The Qur'an is concerned only with the fundamental principles of law and morality: therefore it only discusses those problems which are confronted in normal life and does not concern itself with the ones that are met with under abnormal circumstances. These latter problems, as they arise, are left for the people to decide according to their insight. That is why, when after the death of the Holy Prophet the case of unnatural crime between two males was brought before the Companions, none of them turned to these verses for its decision.”
(8) a. Surah 2/178 —(only the initial part)
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آَمَنُوا كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الْقِصَاصُ فِي الْقَتْلَى
b.Surah 20/14 — ( part of the ayah only)
وَأَقِمِ الصَّلَاةَ لِذِكْرِي
c. Surah 49/12
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آَمَنُوا اجْتَنِبُوا كَثِيرًا مِنَ الظَّنِّ إِنَّ بَعْضَ الظَّنِّ إِثْمٌ وَلَا تَجَسَّسُوا وَلَا يَغْتَبْ بَعْضُكُمْ بَعْضًا
(9) Surah 17/64 - (part of the ayah only)
وَأَجْلِبْ عَلَيْهِمْ بِخَيْلِكَ وَرَجِلِكَ
(10 ) ……..There are reasons for that. A strong emphasis on male virility leads adolescent males and unmarried young men to seek sexual outlets with boys younger than themselves. It is regarded as a temptation and to some anal intercourse is not seen as repulsively unnatural so much as dangerously attractive. Not all sodomy is homosexual: one Moroccan sociologist, in a study of sex education in his native country, notes that for many young men heterosexual sodomy is considered better than vaginal penetration, and female prostitutes likewise report the demand for anal penetration from their (male) clients. In Afghanistan though illegal, there was a tradition of such relationships in the country, known as "bache bazi" or boy play, and that it was especially strong around Kandahar. Raphael Patai, a Hungarian-Jewish orientalist in “The Arab Mind”, has argued that among some Arabs and Turks homosexuality can be justified as an expression of power. The active homosexual act is considered as an assertion of one’s aggressive masculine superiority.
(11) The Al-Fatiha Foundation is an organization which advances the cause of gay, lesbian, and transgender Muslims. It was founded in 1998 by Faisal Alam, a Pakistani American, and is registered as a nonprofit organization in the United States.The Foundation accepts and considers homosexuality as natural, either regarding Qur'anic verses as obsolete in the context of modern society, or stating that the Qu'ran speaks out against homosexual lust and is silent on homosexual love. Al-Fatiha has fourteen chapters in the United States, as well as offices in England, Canada, Spain, Turkey, and South Africa. In addition, Imaan, a social support group for Muslim LGBT people and their families, exists in the UK. Both of these groups were founded by gay Pakistani activists. The UK also has the Safra Project for women.
(12) ……..The legal situation in the United Arab Emirates is unclear. In many Muslim nations, such as Bahrain, Qatar, Algeria, Uzbekistan and the Maldives, homosexuality is punished with jail time, fines, or corporal punishment. In Egypt, openly gay men have been prosecuted under general public morality laws. On the other hand, homosexuality, while not legal, is tolerated to some extent in Lebanon. In some Muslim-majority nations, such as Albania, Turkey, Jordan, Indonesia or Mali, same-sex intercourse is not forbidden by law, and in Albania there has been discussions of legalizing same-sex marriage. Lebanon also is considering to legalize homosexuality. Recently there is a tendency in Central Asian Republics to restrict gay life where homophobia runs deep among the Muslim population. Kyrgyzstan has introduced a bill into the legislature on March 26, 2014 proposing jailing anyone who spreads information about gay rights. There have been calls for similar legislation in the next-door Kazakhstan where a deputy from the ruling party had branded the gays as “criminals against humanity”. In Turkmenistan gay sex earns unto five years in labor camp. In Uzbekistan the sentence is three years in jails. In all five Central Asian republics, anti-gay attacks go unpunished. About eight years ago, a Moroccan, Abdellah Taïa, now 40 hit the news media, appearing on the cover of a magazine under the headline “Homosexual Against All Odds.” In February this year, he screened his film “Salvation Army” at the National Film Festival in Tangier, an adaptation of his book of the same title, that gave the Arab world its first on-screen gay protagonist. The film, which has already been shown at festivals in Toronto and Venice and won the Grand Prix at the Angers Film Festival in France, was shown at the New Directors Festival in New York last month. “A lot of men in Morocco have sexual relations with men, but I looked feminine so I was the only homosexual,” he said. He further added “I can’t live in Morocco,” in an interview in a Parisian brasserie. “The entire neighborhood wanted to rape me. A lot of people in Morocco are abused by a cousin or a neighbor but society doesn’t protect them. There, rape is insignificant. There is nothing you can do.” Interestingly he adds “I don’t want to dissociate myself from Islam,” he said. “It is part of my identity. It is not because I am gay that I will reject it. We need to recover this freedom that has existed in Islam.”
(A) Facts and Faith, A Christian Website: Homosexuality from Several Viewpoints:
There are several aspects to the cultural debate surrounding homosexual behavior. In this article we will summarize the key considerations.
• Fairness
• The Bible
• The Theology
• Sanctity of Marriage
• Born That Way
• Ravages of the Lifestyle
• A Loving Lifestyle?
• A Way Out?
While it is very important to strive for fairness for everyone, it is equally important to consider an important concept: While all people are created equal, not all ideas or behaviors are equal. There is, in fact, a hierarchy of ideas. This is intuitively obvious, as well as biblically obvious (and Quranically obvious, I would add). And it is the place at which we must begin. It is the key statement that must be made in this debate.
In the area of human sexuality, for example, adultery is not morally equivalent to fidelity. Prostitution is not morally equivalent to sex with love. Fornication is not morally equivalent to the virtue of chastity.
There are claims that the Bible does not really condemn homosexual behavior which is
not true. The theology of this debate is as old as Adam and Eve. In Genesis 3, (confirmed in the Quran, I would like to add) when God tells Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the issue was whether Adam and Eve would abide by God's commands. Adam and Eve decided for themselves what was right when they disobeyed God and ate of the fruit. Ever since that day, mankind has tried to decide for ourselves what is good or bad, in dangerous disregard of God's command.
Sanctity of Marriage
The argument against same-sex marriage is by no means limited to Christian dogma. In fact, marriage as an institution between a man and a woman is an ancient concept from across religious and non-religious philosophy (including Greek and Roman thought). The distinct bond that constitutes traditional marriage was not invented by the state, and the state has no right to change it.
Proponents of same-sex marriage have mis-characterized marriage. Marriage is not about companionship or its utilitarian benefits, not about taste or preference, or even about love. In actuality, marriage is not adult-centric, but is the bedrock institution for culture to sustain itself through having and nurturing children. Marriage is about the rights of children. Anything that weakens the institution of marriage is an injustice to children.
Anal intercourse does not produce children. Further, there are complementary aspects of a man and woman that are important to the institution of marriage which go beyond the obvious physical attributes. There are things that a man needs that can only be provided by a woman, and vice versa. Many heterosexuals, as well as homosexuals, misunderstand that the fundamental and intrinsic meaning of marriage is the raising of children and what is best for them. That is why laws have historically discouraged adultery and divorce. Statistics are clear that children raised outside of a traditional strong family unit are much more likely to suffer social ills.
These complementary aspects are important to the relationship of the couple itself, as well as to the children. One does not have to appeal to religion to instinctively understand this. Yet statistics verify the structure of the traditional family as the approach to raising children that gives the best measurable results. The overwhelming body of social science research agrees that children do best when raised in homes with married, opposite-sex parents. Every child has the right to both a mom and a dad.
The most comprehensive study to date of the psychological and social status of adults with homosexual parents is that of Mark Regnerus of the University of Texas (Study). Based on a random sample of about 15,000 this study reported results consistent with common sense, that those raised in a traditional man-woman intact marriage did best. Those with a homosexual parent(s) were the:
• most apt to say they were not exclusively heterosexual
• most apt to to be on welfare
• most apt to have gotten a sexually transmitted infection
• most apt to have recently thought of suicide
• most apt to report being raped
• most apt to test impulsive
• most apt to smoke
• most apt to report heavy TB viewing
• most apt to have been arrested
• most apt to have pled guilty to a crime
• most apt to score high on depression
• most promiscuous
• least apt to be employed
• least apt to report being able to depend on others
• least apt to report having felt secure and safe in their family
It isn't that gay people are necessarily bad parents, but children thrive most fully when raised by a mother and a father. The Witherspoon Institute's Report on Marriage explains why: There are crucial sex differences in parenting. Mothers are more sensitive to the cries, words, and gestures of infants, toddlers, and adolescents, and partly as a consequence, they are better at providing physical and emotional nurture to their children." Complementing that, "Fathers are more likely than mothers to encourage their children to tackle difficult tasks, endure hardship without yielding, and seek out novel experiences." Similar arguments appear in a policy brief by the Institute for Marriage and Public Policy and a journal article from the University of St. Thomas Law Journal.
The two sexes are complementary, not undifferentiated. "Nature and reason tell us that a man is not a woman," says scholar Harry Jaffa. Political entities have overwhelmingly agreed. For example, the Minnesota Supreme court said, "There is a clear distinction between a marital restriction based merely upon race," a limitation it finds illegitimate, "and one based upon the fundamental difference in sex."
Historian Glenn S. Sunshine has this to say in his book “Why You Think the Way You Do”: "Throughout history, in every society without exception, marriage in one form or another has had a privileged place as a means to regulate sexuality, so that children would be brought into the world and raised in a stable environment. The notion of homosexual marriage was thus absurd; it violated the very purpose of marriage. Some societies had provisions for temporary same-sex relationships, usually between an adult and an adolescent male, but nothing that allowed for permanency or gave the status of marriage."
W cannot divorce the institution of marriage from its theological roots. We acknowledge that marriage is an institution given by God (Genesis 2:24). (It has been strongly dictated by our Holy Prophet, as you all will agree). The Creator of the Universe established the relationship between a man and a woman, thus it is a divine institution, not a human one. To confer marriage-like rights to gays is not the prerogative of people (Matthew 19:6). (This includes civil unions or domestic partnerships, as they are merely marriage by other names.) Defining marriage is the prerogative of God. Whatever may tend to undermine the institution of marriage would also undermine the authority of God, as well as hurt society.
The more persistent supporters of domestic partnership will of course respond by pointing to the case in which homosexual partners adopt children or, in the case of lesbians, undergo artificial insemination. The intention here is to show that the nuclear family is found even among homosexual couples and that, to that extent, homosexual unions do indeed meet the same criterion of social interest as heterosexual ones and thus should be granted legal status. It is a weak argument and one that ultimately back-fires on those who employ it. This is for two reasons:
First, adoption by homosexual couples is still exceedingly rare and the law—though many are surprised to learn this—is aimed at the general case. To confer legal benefits on the entire class of would-be homosexual spouses just because some very small minority of this class approximates the pattern of the nuclear family would be a bit like admitting all applicants to a select university on the grounds that a few of them had been shown to meet the entrance requirements.
Second, the right of this small minority to the benefits of marriage is dubious in the extreme. Homosexual "families" of whatever type are always and necessarily parasitic on heterosexual ones.
Those who engage in homosexuality seek what they say are 'gay rights." In reality, they are demanding Super Rights. Super Rights are those privileges that allow one to override the inalienable rights of other citizens, such as freedom of speech and association. These Super Rights—which are conferred by 'non-discrimination,' 'hate crime,' and 'hate speech' laws—allow homosexuals, if they so choose, to endanger or punish those who would exercise their associational rights to avoid them or protect their children from them. As an example, empirical studies to date indicate that a male teacher who practices homosexuality is the most likely kind of teacher to sexually molest students. A principal knowing this may not want to hire a teacher who declares his homosexual interests. But if that teacher wants the job, his Super Rights trump the associational rights of the principal as well as the right of students not to experience extra risk (especially since safety is part of their right to life). Parents renting out one side of their duplex may not want to place their children at risk by renting to a gay couple. But if—even on a whim — the homosexuals want the duplex, their Super Rights trump the property and associational rights of the parents as well as their children's right not to be exposed to potential molestation. The Super Rights of homosexual practitioners also squelch the right of others to freedom of speech. If a broadcaster opines that homosexual sex is dangerous, but a homosexual finds such speech 'offensive,' his Super Rights trump the broadcaster's freedom of speech and the broadcaster may be fined or imprisoned.”
Only about 4% of gays, even when marriage is an option, actually get married. This is a strong indicator that gay marriage is not really about marriage, but about affirmation.
Born That Way
The issue of special rights for homosexuals hinges in part on the notion that the trait is genetic. To date, there is no credible evidence to support this view, though many have been searching for a gay gene for years. There have been three "studies" which were once cited to suggest an inherited homosexual trait, but all three have been scientifically discredited. (One of these was the 1991 study by Simon LeVay. Another was a study by J.M. Baily and R.C. Pillard in 1991. The third was the Dean Hamer study in 1993.) If not genetic what are the reasons for homosexuality? Some admit the reason they got into the homosexual lifestyle was simply because of its availability. More and more, representatives of the gay community are acknowledging that homosexual behavior is simply a choice. Gareth Kirkby of Xtra West, a gay publication, said that there is no longer any need to lie about it. He admits that he freely chose the lifestyle. Those in the gay lifestyle can and do come out of it. Various studies show that success rates of those wanting to leave the lifestyle range from 30% to 70%. It is, no doubt, difficult to leave the lifestyle. One reason it is so difficult is because of its addictive nature.
Even if it were shown that there is a genetic component to homosexuality, that would still not make it right. Compare, for example, alcoholism. It is generally believed that there is an inherited tendency to alcoholism. But that inherited tendency does not condone the behavior, nor does one who inherits the trait necessarily become addicted to alcohol. Society tries to compassionately help those caught in that addiction. While difficult, many people inflicted with alcoholism are successful in reforming their lives.
To take the view that we all have the right to act on our natural impulses would be to logically affirm even sociopathic behavior. Our natural instincts are selfish and often destructive to others. A functioning society demands that we put aside our natural tendencies in many cases. Depression is another illness that is apparently often genetically related. But again, the source of the illness does not dictate our attitude toward it. All human beings are faced with sexual temptation of some sort during their lifetime. Homosexual attractions and temptations are not exempted, just as adultery is not exempted from being sinful behavior. As heterosexuals, we argue that we ourselves have a tendency—which we are certain is genetically inherited—to want to cheat on our spouse. This desire is quite strong. Yet we do not act on this desire and are able to suppress it.
Many young people go through a normal period of examining their sexuality. If during this period society tells them that homosexual conduct is okay, they may be encouraged to try it. This experimentation may lead to a lifestyle that would not otherwise occur if the cultural mandate were not present.
Let's address here the objection that animals engage in homosexual behavior, implying that it must be natural for humans. But we respond that animals engage in many types of behaviors that we wouldn't want to copy. Some animals eat their own young, so should that be okay for us? Some animals eat their own feces, so should that be okay for us? Enough humans commit murder or rape that we could say that it is a natural occurrence, so must something occurring naturally be acceptable? We have the capacity to operate on more than animal instincts!
Here are some interesting statistics to consider:
• Around a third of gays, and many lesbians, say that they were "seduced," "molested," or persuaded by either formal or informal association into becoming participants in homosexuality. Many males who engage in same-sex sex claim they were "made compulsively homosexual" by seduction/molestation.
• A far higher percentage of adopted children of gay couples becomes gay verses gays in the population at large (over 20% verses 2%), proving that homosexuality is learned rather than genetic.
• A boy raised through teen years in a city is three times more apt to engage in homosexuality than a boy raised in rural areas.
Today's society is lying to us about homosexuality. We are told that it is biblical—clearly incorrect. We are told that it is genetic—no evidence for it. And we are told that it can be a beautiful and loving lifestyle—wrong again.
Statistics show that homosexual behavior is marked by death, disease, disappointment, promiscuity, perversity, addiction, and misery. The real threat to persons in the homosexual lifestyle does not seem to be discrimination, but physical devastation.
The gay political movement largely follows the methods described in Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen's strategy manual “After the Ball.” This includes making themselves seem victimized in order to gain sympathy—carrying out a "conversion of the average American's emotions, mind, and will, through a planned psychological attack, in the form of propaganda fed to the nation via the media," and marginalizing people and groups who oppose homosexual behavior. But the facts are that the gay lifestyle itself creates its own victims.
A Loving Lifestyle?
Homosexual activists and often the uninformed media leave us with the impression that the gay lifestyle is filled with love and tenderness. No doubt this is often true. But statistics, again, show another reality. Lifelong monogamy is nearly non-existent among those in a homosexual lifestyle, including those who profess to be "married." Promiscuity is rampant. Many contacts are between strangers with 70% of gays estimating that they had sex only once with over half of their partners. Various studies indicate that gays average somewhere between 10 and 110 different sex partners per year. A 1981 study found that only 2% of homosexuals could be classified as monogamous or even semi-monogamous (having 10 or fewer lifetime sexual partners.)
One study showed that only 4.5% of homosexual males said they were faithful to their current partner, compared to 85% of heterosexual married women and 75.5% of heterosexual married men.
Gay marriage has been legal in the Netherlands long enough to gather data on it. A 2003 study found the average duration of "steady" male partnerships to range from .75 to 2.25 years. These "steady" relationships had an average of 8 casual partners in addition to the significant other each year.
It can be said with impunity that what advocates of gay marriage really want is not just marriage rights. They want a world without any sexual inhibitions or limitations.
Interestingly, only a few gay couples when given the opportunity to marry actually do so. The Family Research Council quotes a statistic from “USA Today” showing that in Vermont's first three and a half years of civil unions, only 936 gays or lesbian couples chose to take advantage of the opportunity—about 21 percent of the estimated adult homosexual population.
In Sweden, where traditional marriages are increasingly rare, gay union numbers are even lower, as reported by a 2004 Baltimore Sun article, "About 1,500 same-sex couples have registered their unions" out of an estimated 140,000 gays and lesbians—or about 2 percent.
Many people in the homosexual lifestyle are saying that what they want is acceptance. But those who have counseled homosexuals say that they often reveal a deeper desire of wanting out of the problem.
Jesus (Allah Ta’aala Subhanahoo, for me) changes people from the inside out. There is no hope for a broken world or a broken life other than through Jesus (Allah Ta’aala Subhanahoo, for me). Through Jesus (Allah Ta’aala Subhanahoo, for me), there is hope for us all.
(B) A group on the Internet, Ontario Consultants:
Opposite-sex marriage is desired by many adults. SSM is desired by many homosexuals and bisexuals. Professional mental health associations have determined that heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality are three normal and natural sexual orientations. Homosexuality and bisexuality is part of the "natural order," and is found in humans, all other mammals, and many other animal species; all three sexually orientations as themselves morally neutral. Religious conservatives definitely believe that homosexuality and SSM is a moral disorder.
Religious conservatives often regard homosexuality as chosen, changeable, abnormal, unnatural behavior to which people can become addicted. Many believe it is caused by childhood abuse or poor parenting, But child psychologists can predict with excellent accuracy which pre-schoolers will grow up to be homosexual. Gays, lesbians, religious liberals and others generally regard homosexuality as unchosen, fixed, normal, natural orientation caused by a person's genes and/or an environmental trigger. Evidence seems to indicate it is set up by a person's genes and triggered by something in the environment.
(C) Additional facts:
Can a homosexual change his/her orientation. Yes and/or No but it does appear very difficult just like Alcoholics. The road is rarely easy and involves a tremendous commitment by the individual seeking recovery and healing. Sometimes individuals stumble and never get back up again. Sometimes they stumble, get back up, and continue on in the process of recovery. And occasionally, individuals are healed instantly and never turn back again. A Christian source reports that there are many former homosexuals, ex-gays, who have been transformed by the power of Jesus Christ.
As noted above, those in the gay rights movement constantly assert that they are both normal and healthy individuals. If one agrees with the assertion that being promiscuous is not healthy, from either an emotional or physical standpoint, then homosexuality as typically practiced must be termed extremely unhealthy. Only ten percent of male homosexuals could be termed as “relatively monogamous” or “relatively less promiscuous.” Additional findings showed that 60 percent of male homosexuals had more than 250 lifetime sexual partners, and 28 percent of male homosexuals had more than 1,000 lifetime sexual partners. Another startling fact is that 79 percent admitted that more than half of their sexual partners were strangers.
Researchers who study human sexuality believe that sexual orientation develops and changes over a person’s lifetime. Having feelings about or even having a sexual experience with a person of the same sex doesn’t necessarily mean that a person is gay or bisexual. It’s not uncommon for people to experiment with their sexuality, especially during adolescence and young adulthood.
No one knows why some people are homosexual. Some people who study human sexuality believe that sexuality is a result of genetics, social or individual factors, alone or in combination. A common misperception is that troubled family relationships cause people to be homosexual, but no scientifically sound research supports this myth.
Is homosexuality a disease?
No, homosexuality is not a disease. All major mental health organizations, including the American Psychological Association (APA), have stated that homosexuality is not a mental disorder.
What is homophobia?
Homophobia refers to an irrational fear, prejudice or discrimination towards homosexuals. Transsexual people feel as if they were born into the wrong body and should be the opposite gender. Transvestites are people who often dress in the clothing of the opposite sex. Most transvestites are heterosexual.
The studies of Dr Alfred Kinsey and his associates are most frequently cited on the issue of homosexuality. Their data suggests that, in fact, few people are predominately heterosexual or homosexual. Most people fall somewhere along the continuum between these two ends of the scale, and therefore have the capacity to experience both affection and sexual feelings for members of both sexes.
It is often said that in a Homosexual Relationship, one partner usually plays the role of the husband and the other plays the role of the wife. This is not necessarily so. Most gay and lesbian couples work to develop relationships based on principles of equality and mutuality where they are loved for who they are and not for the roles they play. This comes back to stereotypical role play. They are usually just two men sharing roles and two women sharing roles.
Historians tell us that homosexuality has existed since the earliest of human societies. Anthropologists report that homosexuals have been a part of every culture.
One study of non-western cultures, reported that 64% of the respondents considered homosexuality as “normal and socially acceptable”. It is also a well known fact that same sex behaviour is “natural” between animals.
One study of non-western cultures, reported that 64% of the respondents considered homosexuality as “normal and socially acceptable”. It is also a well known fact that same sex behaviour is “natural” between animals.
(14) Surah 96/3-5
اقْرَأْ وَرَبُّكَ الْأَكْرَمُ
الَّذِي عَلَّمَ بِالْقَلَمِ
عَلَّمَ الْإِنْسَانَ مَا لَمْ يَعْلَمْ
(a) The well known scholar from Houston Yasir Qadhi has this to say: “Rather, what we can say to those who feel attracted to the same gender is that having such urges and conquering them is a part of the test Allāh has given long as the desire remains in the realm of feeling, you are not accountable on the Day of Judgment, but the second that this desire is manifested in a physical action, you are liable for all that follows....lastly, even if you have acted upon this urge – and we seek Allāh's refuge from this – know that this would constitute a sin. Yes, a major sin, and one that most people would be disgusted by, but realize that it is a sin alone and not a kufr. Hence, even acting upon it and committing a major sin does not expel you from the fold of Islam. However, to stand up and justify it, or defend it, or write articles claiming that it is Islamic, without a doubt constitutes a kufr, and not merely sin.....try to repel these urges, do not act upon them, take immediate steps to get married, and throughout all of this, put your trust in Allāh and continue making du‘ā’ to Him, and I pray that Allāh makes your situation easy for you and blesses you in this life and the next.” I feel this is very superficial and impractical solution for the issue.
(b) This is an advise that a scholar gives to a gay person who feels guilty, tries prayers and dua, got married but could not perform: “Respected brother, the things that will indeed help you stop your immoral and unlawful deviation is first and foremost the seeking of sincere 'taubah' and repentance from your Lord for your past transgressions, and the development of 'taqwa' or constant God-consiousness.” This advice to “dear and beloved” brother is followed by a list of relevant ayahs and hadiths. The scholar seems to be far away from reality.
(c) Michael Muhammed, novelist, journalist, performance artist is also an author and commands great respect for his religious views. His remarks are quite interesting
but confusing: “Muslims who think that a shared Abrahamic morality makes them more American are missing something big: the defining “culture war” of this moment is not Queer vs. Straight, Islam vs. the West, or Christians vs. Non-Christians: it is Tolerance vs. Intolerance, Equality vs. Inequality. In this war, as Intolerance pulls out its hair with panic and issues the same irrational screams about Muslims and Queers (They’re imposing their ways on us! They’re taking over! They’re destroying America!), the overturning of Prop 8 and the apparent triumph of the Cordoba House are victories for the same side. For Muslims who oppose same-sex marriage on religious and moral grounds: stay true to yourselves. Teach your values to your children. Pour your opinions into books and hand them out on street corners. Establish mosques in which homosexuality is denounced every Friday afternoon; but do so with the knowledge that in our real culture war, there are all kinds of people who will defend your place in American life. This includes not only a wide spectrum of Muslims, but also non-Muslims: Christians, Jews, Hindus, atheists, secular humanists, feminists, and homosexuals. Yes, the American Muslim community has gay friends. There are homosexuals who will stand with Muslims and support a religion that, at least in popular interpretations, condemns them to the point of capital punishment and otherworldly hellfire. In the name of upholding one aspect of Islamic tradition, however, some of us will refuse to return the favor. We will ask to be treated as equals by those who are different from us, but turn our backs when they ask the same.”
(d) Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid was asked: Can those who have committed homosexual acts be forgiven, and is it permissible for such a person to get married?
He answered first referring to Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah who was once asked “but if the person who does this evil deed, or any other action which is subject to a hadd punishment, repents, gives up that sin, seeks forgiveness, regrets what he has done and intends never to go back to it”. He had responded “If he truly repents to Allaah, Allaah will accept his repentance, and he does not need to confess his sin to anyone so that the hadd punishment would be carried out on him.” (Majmoo’ al-Fataawaa, part 34, p. 180). The Shaykh then quotes an ayah: “And those who invoke not any other ilaah (god) along with Allaah, nor kill such person as Allaah has forbidden, except for just cause, nor commit illegal sexual intercourse; and whoever does this shall receive the punishment. The torment will be doubled to him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will abide therein in disgrace; Except those who repent and believe (in Islamic Monotheism), and do righteous deeds; for those, Allaah will change their sins into good deeds, and Allaah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. And whosoever repents and does righteous good deeds; then verily, he repents towards Allaah with true repentance” [al-Furqaan 25:68-71]. And finally he gives his opinion: If he repents sincerely towards Allaah, there is no reason why he should not get married, and indeed it may be obligatory in his case, as a protection for him and in accordance with what Allaah has permitted. And Allaah knows best. May Allaah bless our Prophet Muhammad.
(e) Finally here is a long list of remedies suggested by a scholar to a homosexual. Once again the attitude betrays a glaring lack of a sense of reality. Anyhow this is the list:
You have to repent sincerely from your heart, turn to Allaah, regret what you have done, and pray a great deal to Allaah, asking Him to forgive you and help you to get rid of this problem. For Allaah is most Generous and is Close and always Responsive. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“Say: ‘O ‘Ibaadi (My slaves) who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins)! Despair not of the Mercy of Allaah, verily, Allaah forgives all sins. Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful’” [al-Zumar 39:53]
So stand before Allaah weeping, beseeching, expressing your need for Him and seeking His forgiveness, and receive the glad tidings from Allaah of a way out and forgiveness.
Strive to plant the seeds of faith in your heart, for when they grow they will bear fruits of happiness in this world and in the Hereafter. Faith in Allaah is what – after the help of Allaah – protects a person from falling into haraam things.. Allaah describes His slaves as follows (interpretation of the meaning):
“Verily, those who are Al-Muttaqoon (the pious), when an evil thought comes to them from Shaytaan (Satan), they remember (Allaah), and (indeed) they then see (aright)”
[al-A’raaf 7:201]
Try to follow the advice which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) gave to young people, which is to get married if you are able to. Whoever cannot afford that should fast, for it will be a shield for him.”
If it is not easy for you to get married, then there is another solution, which is fasting. So why not think of fasting three days of each month, or on Mondays and Thursdays?
Beware of thinking little of looking at haraam things in cheap magazines and nude pictures which lead to committing immoral actions that doom a person to Hell,
Remember, when the idea of sin come to you, or the Shaytaan whispers to you to commit a sin, that the parts of your body will bear witness against you on the Day of Resurrection for this sin.
Avoid being alone, for this makes you think about your desires. Try to fill your time with things that will benefit you, such as doing righteous deeds, reading Qur’aan, dhikr and prayer.
Avoid keeping company with evil and immoral people. You have to look for good friends who will remind you of Allaah and help you to obey Him.
If it so happens that you fall into sin in a moment of weakness, do not persist in that, rather be quick to repent to Allaah, lest you become one of those of whom Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And those who, when they have committed Faahishah (illegal sexual intercourse) or wronged themselves with evil, remember Allaah and ask forgiveness for their sins; — and none can forgive sins but Allaah — and do not persist in what (wrong) they have done, while they know” [Aal ‘Imraan 3:135]
My brother, do not despair of the mercy of Allaah. Beware of letting the Shaytaan have any power over you or letting him whisper to you that Allaah will never forgive you. For Allaah forgives all sins of those who repent to Him. I hope that Allaah will help you and will make it easy for you to get out of this problem.