Few Comments on the American Visit of His Holiness the Pope
Notwithstanding what follows, I have great reverence and admiration for His Holiness the Pope because of my regard for the Beliefs and Sentiments of the great Catholic Faith and as the leader of one of the three Abrahamic Faith. However the present media hype of making a "rock star" or "moral megaphone" out of his great personality is rather puzzling. A term,"morality" which has always been a taboo in our discussions has suddenly become a favorite in news reports and comments. If it stays so then hats off to the Holy Pope. But if the taboo reappears with his departure then this is a perfect example of confused thinking or double standards. Simplicity, frugality and looking after and communicating with the poor and needy has always been the core message of all the world religions all these centuries. My Mum taught me this as a child and I often heard this message from the pulpit in the mosque. The Holy Pope is upholding this deeply religious tradition. What brings him out is the fact that his predecessors followed an opposite course.
We are never tired of proudly emphasising that religion is no part of our collective life. On the other hand, the Pope has always emphasised and rightly so that he is a child of the Church. The position and designation of a Pope is purely and completely a religious one, related exclusively to the great Catholic community. Rest of the humanity has no role to play in his election etc. Yet the media is painting a picture, may be a true one that folks are falling over each other to admire him - a basically and purely religious person - for his opinions in our collective problems. Yes he has got some very important suggestions for some very important present day issues. But this is irrelevant to his being a Pope. A Pope does not have any extra qualifications for these opinions; his expertise is restricted to purely religious matters from a Catholic perspective. And yes as a man he deserves respect for these views. But then many and many men and women have come out with similar opinions. Why is the Holy Pope singled out for glorification. Is this confused thinking or double standards? Or is it a temporary but forceful burst of hysterical euphoria?
The anchors of CNN and MSNBC appear (and this impression could be wrong) to have received instructions from the top: "go ahead praise him to the skies; fold up your critical thinking". At one point the minutest details for his welcome are admiringly emphasised: "the unfolding of the red carpet was rehearsed several times to be sure that it is done rightly." A red carpet, reserved for Kings and Queens and the elite! At the other end the selection of a small Fiat car for him is eulogized. This is just one example of the constant and blatant flattering and uncritical coverage of His Holiness visit to USA.