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Thanks Keith Ellison and Minnesotans for your support. It should help Muslims from falling into a "Persecution Complex"


Thanks Keith Ellison and Minnesotans for your support. 
It should help Muslims from falling into a "Persecution Complex"

Please see above a full-page anti-discrimination ad in Monday’s Star Tribune, wherein Keith Ellison and 49 well-known Minnesotans from all walks life have attempted to rally support against the unnecessary “Islamophobia”. Also find hereunder a copy of the editorial of the newspaper supporting the message of the ad.  

I would like to thank, Keith Ellison and thank fellow Minnesotans to stand up with us against the “Islamophobia” of misguided fellow Americans. It is a great comfort to know that we are all united in this fight against terrorism. 

In turn we Muslims should respond by maintaining a sense of proportion and not fall into a trap of “persecution complex”. Without belittling or downgrading the pain and agony of the recipients of this “Islamophobia”, I would like to point out that considering the Provocation to the Americans ( the shameless and tragic use of our flag, our Shahida and our most noble slogan of “Allah is Great” to commit their gruesome beheadings and mass murders) the adverse reaction of the Americans (anti-Muslims slanders and tirades, mosque vandalizing, disrespect to women with head-scarves etc.) in fact can be termed as mild. Our Quran is very clear and direct that it is Wajib on us to do justice to our enemies. These are our countrymen. So let us see the other side of the coin to have a just assessment. How do the Muslims react when provoked. The cartoons from Denmark are a good example. A strong emotional provocation to the whole Muslim world— no violence, no killings, no affect on the streets. Muslim reaction: violent demonstrations, bombs and destruction in many embassies across the world. A Nun stabbed in the abdomen as far as in East Africa. You be the judge.

The Editorial:-
Minnesota political and business leaders say, 'Don't be #UnMinnesotan'

By the Star Tribune Editorial Board
Monday, February 1, 2016
Via the Star Tribune:

Minnesota has a long, rich history both of cooperation and involved corporate citizenry. Those two elements have come together in a very public effort to create a culture that includes those of the Muslim faith and discourages the tide of bigotry and hate fanned by some. Disgusted by the anti-Muslim fervor showing up in the presidential race and elsewhere, U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison, a Minnesota Democrat and American Muslim, teamed up with Republican businessman John Taft, a great-grandson of President William Howard Taft. Together, they reached out to political and business types to create a statement they hope will spark a movement.

In a full-page ad in Monday’s Star Tribune, more than 50 well-known Minnesotans from all walks stated that “though we may be a soft-spoken bunch, we know better than to be silent or still in the face of bigotry shown to Muslims. … We must come together as a diverse and vibrant community. If you’re a Minnesotan, you know this to be true … We can’t be tricked into betraying our values. It’d be so very un-Minnesotan of us.”

The signatures included political figures such as DFL Gov. Mark Dayton and former Republican U.S. Sen. Dave Durenberger as well as leaders of some of Minnesota’s largest businesses: Cargill’s David MacLennan; Ken Powell of General Mills; Hubert Joly of Best Buy; John Noseworthy of the Mayo Clinic; Mary Brainerd of HealthPartners; Omar Ishrak of Medtronic; Randall Hogan of Pentair, and others.

It says much of Minnesota that corporate heads here would wade into one of the country’s most controversial issues and take a firm stand for inclusion and against hatred based on religious beliefs and ethnicity. Ellison said it wasn’t hard to gain broad support. “We have a corporate sector with a strong sense of social responsibility,” he said. “We are saying as a group we stand together on tolerance and acceptance of all people and refuse to indulge in any scapegoating.”
There are no plans for a formal campaign. Just a hope that Minnesotans will see the message, start talking to those they know and — neighbor to neighbor, friend to friend — break down the barriers and create a welcoming space for those already among us.

Brainerd set an example Monday by sending a message about the ad to more than 2,000 HealthPartners supervisors. “We’re doing something constructive and it makes you proud to be a Minnesotan,” she said. “ … We want people to come together and with a shared voice say we are not going to be a place where Muslims are not welcome.”
Go, talk to your neighbor. Show the country what it means to be a Minnesotan.