Generation Relay and not Generation Gap
This is the message of the Quran and Shari’ah for Muslims
Some time back one of my nephews (by intense family association) posted on Facebook a totally nude woman lying on her back and frontally facing the viewer. It was disgusting. I protested to him on FB. He responded that he looked at it “as a work of art”. Pardon my ignorance but I do not recognise the artist he named. After some discussion I told him that I will block him from my timeline if he continues with such activities. Out of respect for me and I am grateful to him for that he agreed not to post any more such works of art.
In the meantime others had joined the discussion. The main argument was that it is the generation gap that precludes me from appreciating such works of art. One of the ladies reminded me that there is a genre called Fine Arts! I argued that our Holy Text mandates clear and strict rules for the parents and children for the parent/children interaction and relationship. This leaves no room for a gap between the generations but ensures a relay.
Recently I had a very delightful and gratifying experience of this relationship with one of my grand children. It is mainly a personal matter but may have a message for other children in the community. I am therefore sharing with you all, copies of the hand written note that we received and our reply. Pardon me a little (just a teeny-weeny bit) pride as I am doing it.

My Lovely GC No. ONE
As-Salam-o-Alaikum wa Rehmatullah wa Barkatahoo. Your note was very unusual from an American born teenager and therefore very welcome, fascinating and captivating. It also reflects on the intense religious atmosphere in your home created by your wonderful parents. But you and your personality get the lion share of the credit. May Allah Ta’aala Subhaanahoo further shore up your Faith and Eemaan as you grow up to be a charming and wonderful lady.
Your list of desirable topics in life is very impressive. Our sincere prayers that God Almighty may bless you with all these and many and many more, Ameen. Allow me to add a couple.
Our Lord and Creator has made Respect and Regard for Parents Absolute and Complete reflected in your tone, tenor and attitude. No, I am not talking of obedience; this is also very important but conditional to the growth of parent/child relationship. As you develop, you will gain the right to differ from them but without hurting them in the least. This should be very easy for you as you are endowed with a “Super" Abu and a Loving and Angelic Mama. In this regard, I would like to mention my observation. All along, I have noticed that all my grand children, all of them immediately retort back even a slight harshness in the tone of their parents. This, I believe is the norm in this country. Hence I have not seen my children i.e. your parents making any attempt to correct this. I differ. I would like to insist on our values in this respect as the Holy Book is very clear on this. Not to say even “oof”. Let this be your first step of your present initiative. Try and keep your tone and tenor down with your Mama and Abu even when they are slightly abrupt. If you raise your voice without their being abrupt then it is obviously a minor sin in the eyes of Bari Ta’aala. Try and teach this to your siblings and cousins also.
I would like to add “girl friends” to your wish of “good friends (Muslim Friends). The opposite gender can be your peers, colleagues and associates but not your friends. All relationship with the opposite gender should be public, for a purpose and for the duration of the purpose. Looking at the state of sex morality in American Society, this requisite cannot be over emphasised. By the way, you could do with some good non-Muslim friends also.
With kind regards
Ever Loving
Nani and Nanajaan
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